Why Do I Make Jewelry And The Items I Make?
As a child of the 60's and 70's, my first jewelry love was Turquoise. I was heavily influenced by the folk/rock culture of the time. Long, multi-strand necklaces and bracelets along with bold earrings are still my go-to look.
I grew up in the South, and for me, the Southwest always held a sense of mystery, legend, and beauty. It has a sacredness about it.
While still in college, I met and married my husband, Steve. Steve had grown up in New Mexico and was in the fine jewelry trade specializing in diamonds and colored stones; but he still had those Southwestern roots. While I never signed up officially for the GIA courses, I read all of his materials and eventually signed up for the Pearl Course because I wanted to learn how to correctly tie knots for the necklaces I would eventually create.
I had never really thought about making jewelry myself until one year, my son and some of his friends spent a year or so on the mesa outside of Taos. They lived off the land and learned the art of hemp weaving and beadwork. When he was telling me about it, something clicked inside my brain and I thought, "If they can do that, then I can do that!"
Because of his Southwestern background, my husband knew some basic stringing techniques. I learned how to use crimp beads, clasps, and how to make basic patterns. And then one day - THE MAGIC HAPPENED! I discovered Rock Shops, and OMG, my entire Universe just exploded! Who knew I could buy Turquoise, Malachite, Garnets, Amethysts, Onyx, and SO much more and at such reasonable prices!! I was instantly amazed and hooked.
Then I began to learn about the spiritual aspect of the different stones and came to respect their energies. Over the years, my designs have evolved. I have started to incorporate the aesthetically pleasing with the spiritual energies.
My ideal pieces bring forth the beauty of the stones while letting the spiritual energies be free to touch the souls of those who wear them.